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FINDLAY, R. E., Rifleman, 21st London Regt. (1st Surrey Rifles). Volunteering in November 1915, he was drafted overseas in the following June, and fought at St. Eloi and Arras. In December 1916 he proceeded to Salonika, and later to Egypt, where he took pat in the Palestine campaign. He was in action at Gaza, and was also present at the entry into Jerusalem. He remained overseas until September 1919, when he returned home and was demobilised, holding the General Service and Victory Medals.
40, Sandwich Buildings, Rotherhithe, S.E.16.

FINLAY, J. R., Engine-Room Artificer, R.N. Volunteering in February 1915, he was posted to H.M.S. "Doon," which vessel was engaged on patrol duties at Scapa Flow in the North Sea and the Mediterranean. Transferred later to H.M.S. "Botha," he did good work aboard that vessel, attached to the Dover Patrol, and had several encounters with enemy craft. He was killed in action on March 21st, 1918, and was entitled to the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.
"The path of duty was the way to glory."
9, Haddo Street, Greenwich, S.E.10.

FINLAY, K. L., Private, and Hampshire Regt. Volunteering at the outbreak of war, he completed his training, and early in 1915 embarked for the Western Front. Here he rendered valuable services with his unit in many parts of the Line, and was wounded on the Somme in July 1916. He was invalided home, and on recovery rejoined his unit, and fought through the Retreat and Advance of 1918. He subsequently served with the Army of Occupation in Germany, and returning home was demobilised in July 1919, and holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.

FINN, E., Gunner, R.F.A. He volunteered in January 1915, and later in the same year proceeded to France. During his service overseas he did good work as a gunner at Loos the Somme, Arms and Cambrai, and in various later engagements until the Armistice. He holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals, and was demobilised in June 1919.
6, Princes Street, Rotherhithe, S.E.16.

FINN, J. Private, The Buffs (East Kent Regt.) All ex-soldier, he rejoined at the outbreak of hostilities, and was almost immediately drafted to France, and took part in the Retreat from Mons. He also served at Le Cateau and in the Battles of the Marne and the Aisne, and died gloriously on the Field of action at Hill 60, on May 17th, 1915. He was entitled to the Mons Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.
"His life for his Country, his soul to God."
53, Colomb Street, Greenwich, S.E.10.

FINN, W. J., Private, East Surrey Regiment. Mobilised from the Reserve in August 1914, he was drafted to France and served in the Retreat from Mons, during which he was severely wounded. Later the hospital in which he was undergoing treatment was captured by the enemy and he was taken prisoner and sent to Germany. After being held in captivity for four and a half years he was released on the signing of the Armistice and was repatriated and demobilised in January 1919. He holds the Mons Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.
6, Princes Street, Rotherhithe, S.E.16.

FINNERTY, T., Private, Buffs (East Kent Regt.) Volunteering in January 1915, he was drafted to France on the completion of his training in the following October. Whilst overseas he took part in heavy fighting on the Somme, and was severely wounded at Guillemont in August 1916. He was invalided home, and after prolonged medical treatment was demobilised in May 1919. He holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.
32, Alvar Street, Church Street, Deptford, S.E.8.

FIRMAN, B., Guardsman, 1st Scots Guards. Mobilised from the Army Reserve on the outbreak of war, he was drafted to France shortly afterwards, and fought in the Retreat from Mons and the Battles of Le Cateau, the Marne, the Aisne, and Ypres. Owing to illness he was invalided to England for treatment and after convalesence was engaged as a bootmater at his Regimental depot at Caterham. He was demobilised in March 1919, and holds the Mons Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.
100, Hindman's Road, East Dulwich, S.E.22.

FIRMIN, G., Private, Hampshire Regt. and R.A.S.C. Volunteering in September 1914, he was drafted to the Western Front and saw service in many sectors. He was in action at Loos, the Somme, Messines, Ypres and Cambrai, and later, having been buried by the explosion of a shell was invalided home in November 1917, his hearing having been seriously affected. He holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals, and was demobilised in March 1919.
75, Grove Street, Deptford, S.E.8.

FIRMSTON, H. J., Sapper, R.E. He volunteered in December 1914, and in the following year embarked for France, where he was engaged on important duties in connection with the operations and was frequently, in the forward areas. He served at Loos, Vimy Ridge and Ypres and was severely wounded at Hooge in 1917, and sent to hospital in England. Subsequently he was demobilised in January 1919, and holds the General Service, and Victory Medals.
31, Bellendeu Road, Peckham, S.E.15.

FIRTH, H., Private, North Staffordshire Regiment. He joined in September 1916, and in the following January was drafted to France, where he took part in heavy fighting on the Somme, and at Arras, and was later invalided home through illness. After convalescence, transferred to the Royal Engineers, he proceeded in December 1917 to Italy and was employed on the railways until May 1920 when he returned to England, and was demobilised. He holds the General Service and Victory Medals.
5, Alder Street, Peckham, S.E.15.

FISHER, A. W., Private, 11th Army Cyclist Corps. He volunteered in August 1914, and proceeding to France in the following year was in action in several engagements. In 1916, he was sent to Salonika and in November of the ensuing year was drafted to Italy. Returning to the Western Front early in 1918, he was unhappily killed in the severe fighting in April of that year, and was entitled to the 1914-15 Star. and the General Service and Victory Medals.
"A costly sacrifice upon the altar of freedom."
1, Morena Street, Catford, S.E.6.

FISHER, C., Private, R.M.L.I. Mobilised at the outbreak of war, he was soon sent to Ostend and Antwerp and in 1915 to Gallipoli, where he took part in the Landing and the Battle of Krithia, and was wounded at Gaba Tepe in April. After treatment in Egypt he returned to the Peninsula, but in October was invalided home owing to ill-health. He then served with the Admiralty transport until demobilised in September 1919. He holds the 1914 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.
15, Cibber Road, Forest Hill, S.E.23.

FISHER, E., Gunner, R.F.A. He volunteered in January 1915, and in the following year proceeded to France, where he took part in severe fighting in the Arras sector. He also did good work as a gunner at Cambrai and in the Retreat and early Advance of 1918. In September of that year he was invalided home, and was discharged in consequence of his service. He holds the General Service and Victory Medals.
29, Hatcham Park Road, New Cross, S.E.14.

FISHER, F., Cook's Mate, R.N. He joined in November 1916, and in the same year sailed to the North Sea in H.M.S. "Lion" with the Grand Fleet. Whilst in this ship he was engaged in various waters on patrol and escort duties of an important nature until the Armistice, and afterwards was present at the surrender of the German Fleet at Scapa Flow. He returned to shore and was demobilised in April 1919, and holds the General Service and Victory Medals
1, Morena Street, Catford, S.E.6.

FISHER, G., Private, l0th Middlesex Regiment. Volunteering in 1915, after his training he was engaged on important agricultural duties at various stations. He was unable to obtain his transfer to a theatre of wan owing to being medically unfit for duty abroad, but nevertheless rendered valuable services until demobilised in March 1919.
16, Collerston Road, Greenwich, S.E.10.

FISHER, J., Private, R.M.L.I. A Reservist, he was mobilised on the outbreak of hostilities, and drafted to France in October 1914, was in action at Antwerp and other operations, and in 1915 sailed for Gallipoli. There he took part in the first Landing on the Peninsula, but owing to illness was invalided home and on recovery served as a gunner aboard armed liners engaged in the transport of food supplies to various theatres of war for over three years. He was demobilised in February 1919, and holds the 1914 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.
76, Malham Road, Forest Hill S.E.23.

FISHER, J., Pte., Hampshire Regt., and Rifleman, Rifle Brigade. An ex-soldier who had served in the South African war, he rejoined in June 1915, and in the following year was drafted to France. After heavy fighting, mainly in the Somme sector, he was unhappily killed in a night raid on March 24th, 1918, during the German Offensive of that year. He was entitled to the General Service and Victory Medals, and also holds the Queen's and King's South African Medals.
"A valiant Soldier, with undaunted heart he breasted life's last hill."
59, Azenby Road, Peckham, S.E.15.

FISHER, J. E., Pte., Essex Regt., and Lancashire Fus. He joined in June 1917, and was sent to France a year later. There he was engaged in severe fighting on the Somme, and at Cambrai, Havrincourt, and Le Cateau, and was afterwards invalided to hospital owing to illness. He returned home and was demobilised in March 1919, and holds the General Service and Victory Medals.
93, Bird-in-Bush Boad, Peckham, S E 15.

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