SECTION XIII Page 5 ALEXANDER, R., Gunner, R.G.A. Volunteering in October 1914, he was drafted in the following May to France, where he took part in many notable engagements, including those at Ypres, Festubert, Vermelles, Beaumont Hamel, the Somme, Bullecourt and Passchendaele. He was invalided home in January 1918, on account of ill-health, and was subsequently discharged as medically unfit in June of that year. He holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 75, Choumert Road, Peckham, S.E.15 ALEXANDER, S. W. G., Driver, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) He volunteered in June 1915, and later in the same year proceeded to the Western Front, where he was employed in conveying ammunition to the front line at Loos, Neuve Chapelle, Bethune, and other sectors. In 1916 he was invalided home suffering from deafness caused by his service, and sent to hospital at Reading. He was discharged in December 1916, as unfit for further military duty, and holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 35, Culmore Road, Peckham, S.E.15. ALEXANDER, W., Fireman, Mercantile Marine. He was already serving in the s.s. "Lake Michigan" in August 1914, and during practically the whole period of the war was engaged in this and other ships conveying food and troops between Canadian, American, Mediterranean and English Ports. He rendered valuable services until October 1st, 1918, when he was unhappily drowned after his vessel, s.s. "Montfort" was sunk by a submarine. He was entitled to the General Service and the Mercantile Marine War Medals. "Whilst we remember, the sacrifice is not in vain." 4, Napier Street, Rotherhithe, S.E.8. ALGER, A. J., Sapper, R.E. Joining in May 1916, be was medically unfit for transfer to a theatre of war. Retained at home, he was stationed at Southampton, Stroud and Sandwich, and did excellent work whilst employed on various duties of an important nature, until he was demobilised in October 1919. 61, Fawcett Road, Rotherhithe, S.E.16. ALLBERREY, W., Private, 7th London Regiment. He volunteered in September 1914, and in the following year was sent to France. There he was in action with his unit at St. Eloi, Festubert and Loos. In 1917 he was invalided home on account of ill-health, but returned later to France, and took part in further fighting until hostilities ceased. Demobilised on returning home in May 1919, he holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 59, Hatcham Park Road, New Cross, S.E.14. ALLCHIN, J., Private, East Surrey Regiment. He volunteered in March 1915, and later in the same year proceeded to the Western Front. In this theatre of war he participated in several important engagements, including Givenchy, Loos, Albert, Arras, Ypres, Cambrai, and the Somme and was twice wounded at Loos in 1915, and at Ypres in 1916. He was taken prisoner in April 1918, and interned in Germany until after the Armistice, when he was repatriated. He was eventually demobilised in 1919, holding the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 10, Grainger Street, Peckham, S.E.15 ALLDIS, A., Private, 12th East Surrey Regiment. Volunteering in July 1915, he completed his training, and was stationed at Dover, Canterbury and other places, employed on garrison and other duties of an important character. He performed consistently good work until October 1916, when he was discharged as being too old for further military duty. 57, Salisbury Street, Bermondsey, S.E.16 ALLDIS, G., Cpl., Queen's Own (R. West Kent Regt.) He volunteered in April 1915, and in the following year was sent to France. During his service overseas he took part in many severe engagements, notably at the Somme, Ypres, where he was wounded in 1917, and Cambrai. He later participated in much heavy fighting during the Retreat and Advance of 1918, and returning home after the cessation of hostilities, was demobilised in February 1919. He holds the General Service and Victory Medals. 57, Salisbury Street, Bermondsey, S.E.16. ALLEN, A., Private, R.A.S.C. Volunteering in May 1915, he crossed to France a month after, and was engaged on important transport duties at Le Havre, owing to medical unfitness for service in a fighting area. Whilst returning to England after the Armistice, he contracted an illness, and was subsequently under treatment at King's College Hospital. He was demobilised in February 1919, and holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 13 Whateley Road, East Dulwich, S.E.22. ALLEN, A. E., Air Mechanic, R.A.F. He joined in May 1918, and was employed at Canterbury and Uxbridge on important repair duties, which demanded a high degree of technical skill. He was too old for service in a theatre of war, but nevertheless did excellent work until demobilised in July 1920. 23, Elm Grove, Peckham, S.E.15. ALLEN, A. J., Private, Bedfordshire Regiment. He joined in July 1918, but was not successful in obtaining a transfer to a theatre of war before the termination of hostilities. He proceeded to Germany in March 1919, and served as a Despatch rider with the Army of Occupation at Cologne and Bonn until the following September, when he returned home. He was demobilised in March 1920. 42, Meeting House Lane, Peckham, S.E.15. ALLEN, B., Steward, R.N., H.M.S. "Rowan" He volunteered in February 1915, and was posted to H.M.S. "Rowan" in which vessel he served for some time escorting troops to Salonika and Italy. He also served for some time in Italian waters, and later in H.M.S. "Satellite" was employed on various duties. He performed consistently good work and was demobilised in May 1919, holding the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 10, Kerry Road, New Cross, S.E.14. ALLEN, C. P., Private, Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). Volunteering in December 1914, he proceeded to Gallipoli in the following May, and was in action at Suvla Bay. Later be contracted fever, and was sent to hospital, and was subsequently invalided home, where he remained until February 1918, when he embarked for France. In this theatre of war he fought at Peronne and Ypres, and in many other operations in the Retreat and Advance. He returned to England and was discharged in June 1919, and holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 70, Miall Road, Sydenham, S.E.26. ALLEN, F. J. D., Private, 11th Hampshire Regt. Volunteering in September 1914, he proceeded in December of the following year to France and served in many sectors of the Front. He was in action on the Somme, and at Arras, Ypres, Bethune, and in many minor engagements until invalided home through ill-health in 1917. After receiving hospital treatment he was discharged as medically unfit in December 1918, and holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. 20, Jerrard Street, Lewisham, S.E.13. ALLEN, F. F., Gunner, R.F.A. Joining in September 1916, he was drafted to France in the following May, and in this theatre of war took part in much heavy fighting on the Arras front, and at Ypres. He was taken prisoner at Cambrai in November 1917, and kept in captivity in Germany until the Armistice, when he was released. He was demobilised in February 1919, and holds the General Service and Victory Medals. 6, Alverton Street, Deptford, S.E.8. ALLEN, G. (Sen.), Sergt.-Major, R.E. He volunteered on three occasions for military service during the war, but was not allowed to join the Colours as he was in Government employ. In May 1919, however he enlisted, and whilst stationed at Chatham did excellent work as an Instructor in the Searchlight Section of the Royal Engineers until he was invalided out of the Service on account of ill health in October 1919. 42, Meeting House Lane, Peckham, S.E.15. ALLEN, G. (Jun.), Rifleman, 4th Rifle Brigade, and Private, 10th Devonshire Regiment. He joined in February 1916, and later in the same year was drafted to Salonika. There he took part in strenuous fighting on the Struma and Doiran fronts, and was in hospital for some time suffering from malaria. In December 1918 he was sent to Russia, and after service at Baku and other places, was stationed for some time in Constantinople on his way home. Demobilised in February 1920, he holds the General Service and Victory Medals. 42, Meeting House Lane, Peckham, S.E.15. ALLEN, G., Corporal, R.A.S.C. (H.T.) Volunteering in July 1915, he proceeded in the following year to Salonika, where he was engaged on transport duties on various fronts. Having contracted malaria, he was admitted to hospital in Salonika, but upon his recovery, he rejoined his unit and rendered further valuable service. After returning home through Italy, where he was again in hospital for a short period, he was demobilised in February 1919, holding the General Service and Victory Medals. 23, Dennett's Road, New Cross, S.E.15. ALLEN, G. A., Pte., Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. He volunteered in August 1914, and in the following year was drafted to the Western Front, where he saw much heavy fighting. After taking part in the Battle of Hill 60, and many other engagements, he was gassed and severely wounded at Ypres in November 1916, and was for a considerable period in hospital in France and England. He was finally demobilised in March 1919, and holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals. Royal Oak Place, East Dulwich, S.E.22. View And Download Original Document |