Lorraine My Beautiful Alsace Lorraine Sung By Vernon Dalhart

A grenadier was dreaming,
His thoughts went back to other years.
Night shadows found him,
And they gathered around him,
Tenderly he murmured through his tears:

Lorraine, Lorraine,
My beautiful Alsace Lorraine!
You’re in my heart forever to remain,
I see your village steeple,
Your quaint, old fashioned people,
And I would’t care
If I could be there again, Lorraine!

Heart of France, part of France,
Someday when all my worries are through,
I’m coming to you
Lorraine, Lorraine,
O welcome me home once again,
To live and die in my Alsace Lorraine

He dreamt that he was straying
Among the children playing,
And often kissed his mother’s tears away.
But ah, the awaking!
How his sad heart it was breaking,
How he wished that he could dream for aye:

Lorraine, Lorraine,
My beautiful Alsace Lorraine!
You’re in my heart forever to remain.
I see your village steeple,
Your quaint, old fashioned people,
And I wouldn’t care,
If I could be there again, Lorraine.

Heart of France, part of France,
Someday when all of my worries are through,
I’m coming to you,
Lorraine, Lorraine,
O welcome me home once again,
To live and die in my Alsace Lorraine!