Walker A T 2nd Lt 8th Rifle Brigade

Walker A T 2nd Lt 8th Rifle Brigade

Source : Yorkshire Rugby Union Roll Of Honour 1914-1918

Walker A T 2nd Lt 8th Rifle Brigade

WALKER, ANTHONY THORNTON, 2nd Lieut., 8th (Service) Battn. Rifle Brigade, 2nd s. of John Walker, of Bawtry, co. York, by his wife, Dorothy Mary, dau. of Thomas Taplin Wickham, of Bideford, N. Devon; b. Bawtry, 9 May, 1894; educ. Dulwich Preparatory School, from which he obtained a scholarship to Uppingham School, and from Uppingham secured an open scholarship and exhibition at University College, Oxford; joined the Public Schools Battn. Middlesex Regt. Aug. 1914, and was given a commission as 2nd Lieut. in the 8th Rifle Brigade, 2 Dec. following; left for France, 25 July, 1915, and was killed in action at Hooge, 30 July, 1915, the day after he joined his battn. in the trenches; unm. At Uppingham he was captain of football, and played for his college at Oxford. He was also very musical, and was leader of the orchestra at Uppingham.

Source : De Ruvigny’s Roll Of Honour Vol 1

Posted in Rifle Brigade.