TURNER, WALTER, Private, No. 1204 (Barton Coy.), 1/5th Battn. Lincolnshire Regt. (T.F.), s. of Charles Henry Turner, of Halton Villa, New Holland, Hull, Signal Lineman, G.C. Railway, by his wife, Mary Ann, dau. of the late George Parker; b. New Holland, co. Lincoln, 19 July, 1893; educ. there; was an Engine Cleaner, G.C. Railway; joined the Lincolnshire Territorials, 5 March, 1911, and on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 at once volunteered for foreign service; trained at Luton and Stanstead, Aug. 1914 to Feb. 1915, during which time he was orderly to Lieuts. Fieldsend and Riggall; went to France, 26 Feb.; was doing his third period in the trenches when he was taken ill with spotted fever and died 15 days later in No. 10 Stationary Hospital, St. Omer, 27 April, 1915; unm.
Buried in the Souvenir Cemetery there. Capt. Wilson wrote: “Personally I feel his death very much, as he was one of the members of my company who had been with me for several years, and was one of the original band who joined from New Holland, and who have all turned out to be splendid fellows. I liked him very much he was a good soldier and he must have been a good son”; and Lieut. Fieldsend: “I can assure you that no man in the company was more popular and more respected by both officers and men than your son.” Lieut. Riggall also said: “He was an excellent man, one of the best and nicest in the company. He was always cheerful and willing, never grumbled and would do anything for anyone. We shall all feel his loss intensely and myself especially.”
Source : De Ruvigny’s Roll Of Honour Vol 1