Source : De Ruvigny’s Roll Of Honour Vol 1
Scot S A Captain 5th Royal Irish Fusiliers
SCOT SKIRVING, ARCHIBALD, Capt., 5th Battn Royal Irish Fusiliers, yr. s. of Robert Scot Skirving, M.B., of Sydney, N.S. W., by his wife, Lucy, dau. of the late Trefferson Hester, M.D.; b. Sydney, New South Wales, 7 Sept. 1884; educ. Sydney Grammar School; Eton House, Tonbridge; and the University of Sydney, at which last he graduated as M.B. and C.M. in 1911 with high honours, being the second man of his year. A resident medical officer in the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney till 1913, he proceeded in that year to England to take the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, but on the outbreak of war at once volunteered for active service. He had previously joined the University Scouts in 1907, and the 2nd Australian Infantry Regt. in 1909, transferring from the latter in the following year to the N.S.W. Scottish Rifles, which became the 25th Australian Infantry under the new regulations, and after being temporarily attached to the Black Watch was given a commission as Lieut. in the Royal Irish Fusiliers, 4 Sept. 1914, and promoted Capt. 2 Dec. following. He died 9 Aug. 1915 (on board the hospital ship Valdivia), from wounds received near Suvla Bay, and was buried at sea five miles south of Imbros Island. The letters of his fellow officers show him to have been as able and keen in his military duties as he was capable and distinguished in his profession of medicine.
Source : De Ruvigny’s Roll Of Honour Vol 1
Ronald J M Captain 2nd East Kent Regiment
CAPTAIN J. M. RONALD East Kent Regiment Aged 38
April 23rd, 1915
Sixth son of Robert Bruce Ronald and of Fanny Ronald, of Pembury Grange, Tunbridge Wells. Monitor, 1894. Football XI, 1893-4• R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1895 Married, in 1903, Evelyn Crosthwait, and leaves a daughter.
Captain Ronald received his Commission in the Buffs in 1906 ; he got his Company in 1900, and was Adjutant from 1904 to 1907. He served with the 2nd Battalion in the South African War, and took part in the relief of Kimberley and the battles of Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, and Dreifontein, being twice slightly wounded. He received the Queen’s Medal with four clasps, and the King’s Medal with two clasps. He retired from the Army in 1912, but resumed service as a Railway Transport Officer on August 6th, 1914, and rejoined his Regiment the following March. He was shot through the head and instantaneously killed on April 23rd, 1915, about a mile from Wieltje Farm.
Source : Harrow Roll Of Honour 1914-1919 Vol 2